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Thanks for visiting our website!

We know how important it is to get immediate assistance which is why we promise to do everything we can to get back to you as soon as possible. In an effort to provide you with superior customer service we have developed new processes to help streamline getting you the "help you need, when you need it". PLEASE NOTE: The state has blocked most of our Google Forms. You may not be able to complete the below forms if you are logged into a state computer and/or device. You must complete the forms on a device that is not connected to your state email account. 

We want to hear from you! You can send us an email to

Want to file a grievance, appeal a discipline, report a health and safety concern or workplace injury, or report workplace mistreatment?

If you believe you have a grievance, want to file an appeal, would like to report a health and safety concern or workplace injury, or want to report workplace mistreatment please complete our intake form.

Intake Form

Do you need representation? 

If you need representation, please complete our Request for Representation FormPlease note, the state has to provide you with at least four (4) hours to obtain representation. If you received a notice with less than four (4) hours to secure representation, please advise your supervisor of the need to reschedule so that you are able to obtain representation. Do NOT be pressured to have the meeting without a union representative. It is your RIGHT to be represented.

Request for Representation

Want to join our union family?

You can become a member of our family by signing a Membership and Authorization Card.

Join Us

Are you SLACKing? 

If you haven't joined our SLACK community, you are SLACKing! SLACK is the official communication platform for Local 3661. It is our own social media platform just for members where you can get important updates, collaborate with coworkers, and browse policies and procedures.

Sign Up for Slack

Are you thinking about getting involved? 

There is nothing more empowering than using your voice as a union member to advocate for positive changes within the workplace. Our union gives us a platform to solve workplace problems, advocate for better working conditions, represent members through the disciplinary process, help members through the grievance process, and collaborate with management to enhance policies and procedures.

Get Involved

Want to stay informed?

Did you know we have a General Membership Meeting the last Tuesday of every month for members to come hear updates directly from those advocating for you! You can add the meetings to your calendar by clicking the below:

Google Calendar | Outlook Calendar (.ics) | Yahoo Calendar

You can also copy and paste the following link into your browser to access the General Membership Meeting: pwd=aVAxZUlIb0lFSHZ2M3BHVDBDSmVXUT09