AFSCME Local 44 Pay Raise Schedule Update

We have some exciting news to share:we've received the schedule for 2023 pay raises!
While we do not have a set date or timeline yet, we expect the process to begin in December. Once negotiations are finalized, we will hold a union meeting to ratify the contract and then determine the exact date when these changes will take effect.
The raises will be implemented in a specific order. First, there will be a 4.5% cost of living adjustment (COLA),ensuring fair compensation to support our hardworking employees' quality of life.Following that, there will be a retroactive payment of the 4.5% increase dating back to July 2023, recognizing and rewarding our dedicated members for their past contributions. Lastly, the water and waste study findings will be distributed exclusively to individuals working for DPW Water and Waste.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out via email( orcall 410-837-7278.
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