Council 3 Updates

For nearly 10 years, AFSCME Local 1459 Vice President Clint Stevens has worked as a high voltage electrician at the University of M

As a lead custodian at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) for nearly 30 years, AFSCME Local 3376 President Danielle Dorsey works to keep the campus buildings clean and safe for the st

Two years ago, Elisha Mack took a job at the Spring Grove Hospital Center as a Security Attendant Supervisor, seeing the opportunity as a promotion and the chance to be in a new environment after n

Join AFSCME Maryland's GOTV Program

The election for President of the United States and our Congressional representatives makes a huge difference in Maryland’s ability to get needed federal aid for state-funded jobs and ensuring that benefits are preserved.  It’s not a time to sit on the sidelines – Council 3 has to get in the game and do its part. 

Results of AFSCME Local 1678 Election 

On Wednesday, September 24th, beginning at 5pm, the results of the 2020 election for local officers were counted by election chair Samuel Olowookere and Ofc. Oshunkoya. The results are below. Congratulations Local 1678 for electing a new leadership team. Details about the Secretary Treasurer position will be forthcoming.

President –

Oluwadamilola Olaniyan, 162

Oluwafemi Adegoroye, 38

Gethsemani Ugochukwu aka “Chuchu”, 112

Samuel Olekanma 5

Emergency Pay Grievance Update: September 22nd 2020

Below is a list of the most recent status for each agencies Emergency Pay Grievance. It’s important to note that while the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has resumed enforcing timelines, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to toll and hold timelines for grievances.

September Regional AFSCME Meetings

This week, AFSCME staff and leaders will host a series of Regional AFSCME Meetings to update members about our ongoing wage campaign and fight for healthy and safe working conditions during the pandemic. RSVP by emailing the staff person coordinating your region- all members welcome from all agencies. All regional AFSCME meetings will be hosted remotely to keep members and staff safe and socially distant.

After hearing from USM and University officials, AFSCME leaders Maria Ayala (UMCP), Quiana Tilghman (UMES), Blair Knouse (FSU) and Todd Holden (UMCP) and Stuart Katzenberg from the AFSCME Council 3 Staff gave testimony to the assembled senators and delegates. In the run up to this hearing, AFSCME members and leaders spent hours meeting with legislators so they understood the danger our members face daily on campus and the need for greater oversight.
DBM Cuts COVID-19 Response Pay

AFSCME was informed after close of business Thursday, September 10th, that the elevated COVID-19 pay and additional quarantine pay for our frontline employees working at jobsites throughout the pandemic has been unilaterally canceled by the Hogan Administration. These members are exposed daily to COVID-19 and are in the highest risk category for contracting the virus. Already at least 800 AFSCME members have contracted COVID-19 from their workplace and two of our members have lost their lives from a workplace exposure. 

2020 Telework Survey for State and Higher Education Employees

As you all know that pandemic has brought about some much needed updates in the State’s and  Higher Education’s workplace policies.  One of the most glaring is the telework policy.  We have put together a survey to get more information from Sisters and Brothers across the state about the telework policies in their workplace.

July 1st UI Deduction Changes

At the end of Fiscal Year 2020, several AFSCME 3 members reached out about a change in deductions on their most recent pay stubs. On or about July 1st, members noticed that the UI contribution no longer reflected a balance. We confirmed through Cindy Kollner that this change was approved at the July 1st Board of Public Works meeting because the state has a large enough fund balance to pay for claims in the next fiscal year without charging state agencies.