Two weeks ago, Governor Hogan announced that all permanent State and Higher Education employees would be receiving a $1000 one-time bonus in April. This is great news for all employees however it falls short of what the Governor is capable of providing for everyone that has sacrificed so much during the pandemic. But how did we get here?
If you recall this past summer the Governor demanded a 5% permanent wage cut, cuts in health care benefits, changes in the overtime calculation, and furloughs. Our union said, “PROVE YOU NEED TO DO THIS TO US!” Of course, the Governor couldn’t prove it and the State had more money than they said they did, so they gave up trying to punish us, the everyday heroes of the pandemic. We stood up and stood strong.
This past fall was much of the same, the State again wanting to cut, and cut, and cut. Again, we said, NO! Again, the state decided to back down. We have continued to push back when the Governor has asked us to sacrifice. We have pushed back because we know the Governor has continued to misrepresent theState’s ability to compensate us during the pandemic. This $1000 is an acknowledgment of fact that we have stood up and that they can’t hide the fact that they have had the money to reward us for our commitment and sacrifice all along.
Now we must continue to stand strong and united. Now we must take what we have earned and make it permanent, so we are acknowledged for the sacrifices we have made, our families have made to keep Maryland safe and healthy.
We have earned the right to demand additional resources and safe workplaces. We will continue to stand up for what is right and what we deserve.