2025 Legislative Session

Get Involved This Legislative Session!
Upcoming Lobby Nights
Join us on Mondays in Annapolis for our AFSCME Maryland Lobby Nights! We'll meet in Annapolis at 5:30 PM. Please RSVP here to let us know which Lobby Nights you plan to attend. By submitting your RSVP, we will be able to send you more details closer to each Lobby Night.
Monday, January 13: Legislative Kick-off & Vigil for Davis Martinez (Meet at 6:45 PM on Lawyer's Mall in front of State House, start at 7 PM)
Monday, January 27: MDH/DHS Night
Monday, February 3: DPSCS Night
Monday, February 10: P-12 Support Staff Lobby Night
Monday, February 17: Higher Ed, Community Colleges, & Local Presidents Night
Monday, March 3: Local Government (Counties, Cities, Libraries, & Museums) Night
Monday, March 10: Union Night Rally
Monday, March 17: Crossover Lobby Night
Monday, March 24: Final Lobby Night
Our 2025 Legislative Priorities
Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2025 (HB 159 / SB 288)
- Establishes a process for binding interest arbitration in the event of an impasse during negotiations.
- Provides for the selection of a professional, neutral mediator to mediate the negotiations.
- Adds a layer of accountability to the collective bargaining process by effectively preventing the employer from using delay tactics and holding the State and the University System of Maryland accountable to working with us to reach an agreement.
Davis Martinez Public Employee Safety and Health Act (HB 176 / SB 26)
- Named in honor of Parole and Probation Agent Davis Martinez who was murdered in 2024 during a routine home visit
- Creates a Public Employee Safety and Health Unit within the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH) to regulate, administer, and enforce workplace safety and health provisions
- Improves inspections of public sector worksites and subjects public employers to penalties for violations of workplace safety and health laws
- Promotes transparency and accountability for public employee safety by expanding workplace safety and health data collection and reporting requirements
- Directs MOSH to develop a Workplace Violence Prevention Standard for the public sector
Local Government Collective Bargaining Uniformity Act (SB 976)
- Gives certain public employees at the county and municipal level access to a uniform framework governing public sector labor relations, similar to what AFSCME has fought and won for state, higher education, and public school employees
Revenue Reform: Fair Share for Maryland Act of 2025 (HB 1041 / SB 859)
- Leverages the Maryland Fair Share Plan to ensure that millionaires and corporations pay their fair share so that working families can access the critical public services they need and deserve
P-12 School Support Staff Bill of Rights Campaign
- Increases the minimum starting pay rate for school support staff (SB892 - Education - Minimum Wage for Education Support Professionals)
- Expands worker voice on the State Board of Education by requiring a reserved position on the Board for a person employed in a school support staff role (SB712 / HB923 - State Board of Education - Membership - Educational Support and Administrator Members)