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Fill out your online membership card here:

If you work for a city or county government or for a K-12 school district, please fill out this membership card here.

When you fill out a membership card, you are becoming a member of the largest union for state, higher education, and local government employees in Maryland! AFSCME Maryland represents over 50,000 workers across Maryland, and together, we are fighting for the raises we deserve, the safe staffing levels and workplace rights we need, and quality public services for our communities.

If you have questions about your membership, please call our office at 410-547-1515 or email

Quick Overview of Membership

  • Right of representation under the contract or, if you do not currently have collective bargaining, under relevant State Law. 
  • Full rights of AFSCME Maryland membership, including voting on tentative agreements, electing union officers, and participating in other democratic processes.
  • Exclusive member-only benefits, including insurance benefits and scholarships for you and your family.

When those who are eligible to join our union become members, we have more resources to support the only organization that is advocating for the pay, benefits and workplaces that we all deserve.


Annual Salary Range

Dues Amount (Biweekly)


Greater than $41,142 (approx)



Less than $41,142 (approx)

1.75% of base pay

  • Starting in 2025, every member contributes 1.75% of their base pay (excluding overtime), capped at $60 monthly for 2025.
  • This means that any member making more than approximately $41,140 will only pay $27.69 biweekly in dues. Anyone making less than approximately $41,140 will just pay 1.75% of their base pay biweekly. For those paid semi-monthly, dues will be no more than $30 per pay period.
  • Dues are automatically taken out via payroll deduction. For those covered by COBR (Correctional Officers’ Bill of Rights), an additional $4 will be deducted biweekly.

When we fight, we win.

AFSCME members are on the front lines every day, providing the services that Marylanders depend on. The pandemic made what we do even more important, and we fight every day to strengthen the public services our loved ones and communities rely on. We are leaders in the fight for:

  • Fair Wages to Recruit & Retain Staff
  • Stronger Health and Safety Protections
  • Quality Public Services for All Marylanders

By uniting together, we are winning the fight for a better Maryland. By joining our union, you are becoming a part of the 50,000 public service workers who are fighting to improve pay, benefits, and working conditions in our jobs.

Bottom line: Union membership matters.

Don't take your rights and benefits for granted. The most important way you can win the pay, benefits, and respect you deserve is by becoming a union member today.

If you have questions about your membership, please call our office at 410-547-1515 or email