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Screenshot of DLS recommendations to remove funding for raises for AFSCME members

Legislators are considering cutting our already-negotiated raises and balancing the budget off our backs! If you live in a district with a legislator on the House Appropriations and/or Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, please call them to PROTECT OUR RAISES!

Sample Script

Hello, my name is [Name], and I’m a constituent of Delegate/Senator [Name]. I am a state employee, and I am asking you to PROTECT our negotiated raises. Please do not balance the budget on the backs of state employees. Our wages are already behind inflation, and many of us are behind on step increases. We're struggling to make ends meet. Cutting our raises is short-sighted and will only make our staffing crisis worse.

[Feel free to add a personal story about how cuts would impact you.]

Contact Information - House Appropriations Committee

Legislator NameDistrict CountyPhone Email 
Del. Jim Hinebaugh, Jr. 01AGarrett and
Del. Matthew Schindler 02BWashington
Del. Ric Metzger 6Baltimore
Del. Courtney Watson 09BHoward
Del. Sarah Wolek 16Montgomery
Del. Ryan Spiegel 17Montgomery
Del. Emily Shetty 18Montgomery
Del. Jared Solomon 18Montgomery
Del. Ben Barnes (chair)21Prince George's and Anne Arundel
Del. Jazz Lewis 24Prince George's
Del. Kevin Harris 27ACharles and Prince George's
Del. Dana Jones 30AAnne Arundel
Del. Mark Chang (vice-chair)32Anne Arundel
Del. Susan McComas34BHarford
Del. Jefferson Ghrist 36Kent, Queen Anne's, Cecil, Caroline
Del. Barry Beauchamp38BWicomico
Del. Gabriel Acevero 39Montgomery
Del. Malcolm Ruff41Baltmore City
Del. Nino Mangione
Del. Joshua Stonko 42CCarroll
Del. Catherine Forbes 43BBaltimore
Del. Aletheia McCaskill 44BBaltimore
Del. Stephanie Smith 45Baltimore City
Del. Mark Edelson 46Baltimore City
Del. Julian Ivey 47APrince George's

Contact Information - Senate Budget and Taxation Committee

Legislator NameDistrict CountyPhone Email 
Sen. Paul Corderman 2Washington and Frederick
Sen. Karen Lewis-Young 3Frederick
Sen. Johnny Ray Salling 6Baltimore
Sen. J.B. Jennings 7Baltimore and Harford
Sen. Shelly Hettleman 11Baltimore
Sen. Guy Guzzone (chair) 13Howard
Sen. Craig Zucker 14Montgomery
Sen. Jim Rosapepe (vice-chair)21Prince George's and Anne Arundel
Sen. Joanne Benson 24Prince George'
Sen. Michael Jackson 27Prince George's , Charles, and
Sen. Jack Bailey 29Calvert and St. Mary's
Sen. Nancy King39Montgomery
Sen. Cory McCray 45Baltimore City