Maryland Deserves Better
Stand Up for Safe Staffing
AFSCME Maryland members are standing together with community allies to protect and fully fund the vital public services state employees provide. AFSCME Maryland members are the dedicated front-line workers in our state hospitals, state highways, correctional facilities and other state offices that keep Maryland moving.

- The Department of Legislative Services (DLS) reviewed laws, rules, regulations, caseload standards, and best practices related to agency staffing and can quantify the need for 2,631 positions (1,126 new authorized positions and the need to fill 1,505 existing positions) in 11 agencies.
- Maryland is ranked nineteenth in population, on a per capita basis, but ranks thirty-second in the number of State and local employees per 10,000 population.
The State of Maryland is expected to spend at least $239.1 million in overtimecosts in fiscal 2020, with more than half of that amount attributable to the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) ($122 million). Given that actual overtime spending in fiscal 2018 totaled over $255 million and vacancy rates for DPSCS and several other key agencies have continued to increase, it is likely that the fiscal 2020 allowance for overtime spending is underfunded continuing a pattern of diverting resources from residents of Maryland.
What is the solution? AFSCME Maryland has a plan and we're joining together with residents and community allies to fight for a better Maryland! Watch this short video to learn more about the impact of short staffing on Maryland Residents.
Our solution to the staffing crisis:
- Safer Workplaces
- Competitive Wages
- Better Personnel Policies
- Improved Hiring Practices
- Increased Legislative Oversight
Learn more about our fight by visiting the resources below!
Maryland medical examiner’s office scrambling to fill jobs as homicides, drug deaths fuel need for autopsies
Maryland Foster Children Stay in Hospitals Because They Have Nowhere Else To Go
Think Baltimore police overtime is out of control? In Maryland’s understaffed prison system overtime spikes to $129 million
Maryland state employee union raises concerns about under-staffing in prisons, hospitals
2018 Executive Branch Staffing Study by the Department of Legislative Services