Unions and Community Partners, joined by Tom Perez, Urge Governor Hogan to Allow Workers Bills to Become Law Despite History of Vetoes
Unions and Community Partners, joined by Tom Perez, Urge Governor Hogan to Allow Workers Bills to Become Law Despite History of Vetoes
Annapolis- The Governor has until April 8th to sign several presented bills into law, allow them to become law without his signature, or veto them.
In his two terms, Governor Hogan has vetoed numerous bills that would improve or impact Maryland workers and signed few into law. This year, working people and their unions are coming together to urge the Governor NOT to veto important legislation and obstruct further progress for working people.
AFSCME Council 3 President Patrick Moran said, “Working people in Maryland cannot afford to wait for Governor Hogan to veto these bills knowing the veto will eventually be overridden. Our unions are standing together with the next Governor of Maryland, Tom Perez, to demand action from Governor Hogan.”
This year legislation at stake for veto includes:
Time to Care Act (SB 275)- The bill guarantees nearly all Maryland employees, including state and higher education employees, the right to up to 12 weeks of paid, job-protected leave to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, deal with their own serious health needs, or address needs in connection with military deployment.
Collective Bargaining for Staff at the Office of the Public Defender (HB 90)- This bill would allow all non-supervisory staff at Maryland’s Office of the Public Defender the right to join other state employees and collectively bargain over their wages and working conditions.
St. Mary’s College of Maryland COLA Raise (HB 54)- This simple legislation would ensure that future Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) for public employees at St. Mary’s College of Maryland will automatically be funded.
Healthy Babies Equity Act (HB1080)- Requiring the Maryland Medical Assistance Program to provide comprehensive medical care and other health care services to noncitizen pregnant women who would qualify for the Program but for their immigration status and their children up to the age of 1 year.
When: Thursday, April 7th, 9:30 am
Who: Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Perez, AFSCME Council 3 President Patrick Moran, SEIU 500 Director of Political and Legislative Affairs Travis Simon, SEIU 32BJ members, CASA in Action Members, MCGEO members, IBEW members and AFSCME Council 3 Members
Where: Lawyer’s Mall, Annapolis, Maryland (Rain Location: AFSCME Annapolis Office, 100 Cathedral Street, suite 6, Annapolis, Maryland)