October 2023 Message from AFSCME Maryland Council 3 President Patrick Moran

Bargaining for a Slice of the Pie
"It’s a busy season of bargaining! Our united AFSCME Maryland is currently bargaining on a number of different fronts with employers, including the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland, University System of Maryland, City of Takoma Park, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore Museum of Art, Walters Art Museum, Morgan State University, St. Mary’s College, Prince George’s Community College, John Hopkins Bayview Hospital, and Baltimore County Public Schools. There is a common thread at every bargaining table: building power and bargaining for economic justice.
As the people that make the cities, counties, colleges, schools, and the state happen, we need the resources to provide the public services that so many people rely on each day in Maryland. That is why bargaining strong contracts that build power and economic justice is our focus. A career in public service should be America’s best example of a pathway to a stable middle class life. This means having a slice of the pie that is big enough to create economic stability for you and your family. It shouldn’t mean living paycheck to paycheck but instead having enough to provide for you and your family and still have some money set aside for the future. When it comes to bargaining, economic stability is our goal and what AFSCME Maryland is fighting for."
- AFSCME Maryland Council 3 President Patrick Moran