AFSCME Council 3 recently announced we had reached a new tentative agreement with the Hogan Administration. In this agreement, our union secured almost 12% in increases for 2021-2023, you can read the breakdown on the agreement here. We urge all members to vote yes to secure these increases. All increases that will go into effect upon ratification.
Notice of Ratification Process
Next, our union must ratify this agreement by a vote for each bargaining unit (A, B, C, D, F, and H). The vote will be conducted by mail ballot. All bargaining unit members are eligible to vote regardless of membership status. Each bargaining unit employee will receive a mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed out starting Friday, January 7th, and must be returned no later than Tuesday, January 25th.
Check out our Contracts Tab for the latest version!
Ballots can only be returned via the pre-addressed envelope. The ballots will be counted in a tally on Monday, January 31st at the Union office. Each bargaining unit will vote on the agreement. If a majority of voters oppose ratification, then the steps and COLAs may not be implemented and may not be included in this year’s budget. We will not return to the table until next fall for bargaining if the agreement is not ratified. Results will be posted on AFSCME’s website after the tally.
Vote Count will be live-streamed on Zoom and available for all bargaining unit members. Register to get the zoom link here. The vote count will begin at 11 am at 190 W. Ostend St, Baltimore MD 21230.
Important Dates
Friday, January 7th
Ballots begin mailing out
5 PM, Tuesday, January 18th
Requests for ballot replacement must be made to [email protected] in writing no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, January 18th.
Tuesday, January 25th
Ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday, January 25th
Monday, January 31st
Tally of Ballots at Union Office (190 W. Ostend St)
USPS currently indicates that first-class mail may take 3-5 business days to arrive so please be patient waiting for the ballot to arrive. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our office with any questions about the agreement!