Emergency Pay Grievance Update: September 22nd 2020
Below is a list of the most recent status for each agencies Emergency Pay Grievance. It’s important to note that while the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has resumed enforcing timelines, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to toll and hold timelines for grievances.
Over 4,000 members joined this grievance making it the largest case ever filed against the State of Maryland. At each step, DBM has tried to invalidate the case on the basis of forms being filled out and dates. To date, they have not addressed the core issue of the grievance: that our MOU has clear language outlining the required conditions to receive emergency pay. Review our MOU on our website!
DPSCS – Filed to Step 3 this week (9/21)
MDH – Step 2 hearing 10/7 then on to settlement conferences
DJS – Filed to Step 3 this week (9/21)
Dept of Labor – Settlement Conference scheduled for 9/23
Dept of Ag – Going to OAH
SDAT – Going to OAH
ALL MDOT – Waiting for settlement conference for two months now, timelines still tolled in MDOT
Comptroller – Going to OAH
DGS – Going to OAH
Military – Going to OAH
MSP – Going to OAH
DHS – Going to OAH
DNR – At Step 2, agreed to waive timelines for additional 2 weeks
Veteran’s Affair- Going to OAH
Our union continues to lead the fight for healthy and safe working conditions and the compensation public employees deserve to recruit and retain staff. We will continue to update all grievants as we move through the process. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Member Resource Center at [email protected] or 410-547-1515 with any questions.