Council 3 Updates

For nearly 10 years, AFSCME Local 1459 Vice President Clint Stevens has worked as a high voltage electrician at the University of M

As a lead custodian at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) for nearly 30 years, AFSCME Local 3376 President Danielle Dorsey works to keep the campus buildings clean and safe for the st

Two years ago, Elisha Mack took a job at the Spring Grove Hospital Center as a Security Attendant Supervisor, seeing the opportunity as a promotion and the chance to be in a new environment after n

Alternatives to State Services Cuts

The Hogan Administration has proposed draconian fiscal cuts to State services, while significant revenue savings and enhancements sit untouched. Below are just a few examples.

Funds / Accounts


The State of Maryland is currently facing a more than $1 Billion dollar deficit because Maryland is projecting to collect far less taxes due to the COVID19 pandemic. This is a result of everything shutting down here and all over the world. The Governor wants to bargain in order to close the budget deficit by cutting state employees pay and benefits before the new fiscal year start on July 1st. DBM has continued to attempt to enforce arbitrary timelines and refuse to release members of our bargaining team to participate in these sessions. However, there is no law that says we have to bargain now and our current contract is in effect through the end of 2020. There is no legal past practice or written law requiring we negotiate any kind of agreement before July 1st.
On June 9, the Maryland Senate Finance Committee and House Appropriations Committee held a briefing on how the state has been handling PPE during the Coronavirus pandemic. Hogan Administration officials from the Division of Corrections, Department of Health, Department of Juvenile Services and Department of Human Services testified to the numbers of PPE that had been acquired since the beginning of the pandemic. Their charts and numbers were made to impress, and the numbers themselves are impressive. But AFSCME members also testified and painted a picture of day-to-day reality that belied the rosy presentations of the Administration.

COVID 19 Pandemic and Maryland State and Higher Education Institutions

As Maryland looks to reopen its state office buildings and public higher education institutions, ensuring health and safety in the workplace must be the highest priority. AFSCME Council 3 has been demanding testing, personal protective equipment (PPE), plans and emergency pay for essential employees who have been showing up to work daily during this crisis.

Health and Safety negotiations with the University System of Maryland and University of Maryland, College Park

Last week leaders from AFSCME’s University System schools met with Vice Chancellor Carolyn Skolnik and her team to begin negotiations about safe re-opening of campus.  Members raised serious concerns about how as a system folks should be following the same protocols, and getting the same necessary equipment.  We are awaiting written responses from management and dates to follow up.

An Update from Council 3 President Patrick Moran:

As union leaders, as community leaders we are disturbed by those who wrap themselves in the flag to defend behavior that we know runs counter to what we strive for as Americans.  There are those who are pushing and working hard to convince us that bullying, taking advantage of the impoverished and those without power, is somehow an “American Value”. 

“As both a union that represents several thousand law enforcement officers and a union that has long been in the vanguard of the struggle for civil rights, AFSCME believes we cannot be forced to choose between racial justice or effective policing. A free, healthy society can and must have both.”
On May 20 leaders from AFSCME Local 1072 virtually sat down with the Senator and Delegates from Maryland District 22 (Prince George’s County) to discuss ongoing health and safety issues at the University of Maryland-College Park campus.