Council 3 Updates

For nearly 10 years, AFSCME Local 1459 Vice President Clint Stevens has worked as a high voltage electrician at the University of M

As a lead custodian at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) for nearly 30 years, AFSCME Local 3376 President Danielle Dorsey works to keep the campus buildings clean and safe for the st

Two years ago, Elisha Mack took a job at the Spring Grove Hospital Center as a Security Attendant Supervisor, seeing the opportunity as a promotion and the chance to be in a new environment after n

AFSCME Council 3 represents approximately 30,000 state and higher education employees across Maryland. Together, our union is a strong voice during the Maryland General Session because we work year-round to engage legislators and identify ways to strengthen Maryland's laws for all working people. 

Last week, AFSCME Council 3 and the State of Maryland had another hearing about the Emergency Pay Grievance. As discussed in the previous update, management has a team of Assistant Attorney Generals working to defeat this grievance.

AFSCME Council 3’s emergency pay grievance continues to move ahead despite repeated efforts from the State of Maryland to stop our case from being heard. The State Assistant Attorney Generals representing the management team are working as hard as they can to slow down this case. First, they are making a most likely unsuccessful and unnecessary effort to get the Circuit Court of Anne Arundel County to dismiss the emergency pay grievance after already being overruled at the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Members on the frontline continue to risk exposure to COVID-19 simply by reporting to work. As the pandemic began and using federal funding, all employees were granted access to Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) to be used when exposed and prevent employees from depleting their own leave because of the risk assumed simply by reporting to work. AFSCME fought for a continuation of this policy and won an extension until June this year.

Late last week it was announced that the Maryland General Assembly will go into special session from December 6 through December 15.  For AFSCME, important legislation impacting our members that was vetoed by Governor Hogan will have the opportunity to become law through the General Assembly overriding the Governor’s veto.  In addition, maps that have drawn the boundaries of Congressional districts will be redrawn.

Recently, it was announced that Maryland has a $2.5 billion dollar surplus this fiscal year. I want to make it clear where that surplus came from. By undercutting, underfunding, and understaffing vital public services at the State and county level, Governor Hogan can now claim Maryland has a surplus in the budget. This surplus came on the backs of depriving the employees here who keep Maryland’s safety net functioning from being able to do their job. This surplus came by spending as little federal aid as he could and quite frankly putting money in the wrong places.   

AFSCME Council 3 and AFSCME Council 67 jointly announced their endorsement of candidate and former Maryland and U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez to be our next Governor. 

AFSCME members invited all major candidates, Republicans, and Democrats, to meet with our board.  After we conducted candidate interviews our board unanimously voted to endorse Tom Perez.

Maryland has a $2.5 Billion Dollar Surplus! Join us in the fight to demand Governor Hogan use the surplus to invest in public services and the employees who provide them.