AFSCME Maryland Announces Endorsements for Federal, State, and County Offices

This election year is an extraordinary one for Maryland’s public employees.
In November, we will elect a new Governor, State Comptroller, and Attorney General and have a chance to shape the future of Maryland for years to come with a new administration. The opportunity to vote in new leadership for Maryland on this scale is unprecedented.
As AFSCME members, we have come together to consider the candidates for elected office and to determine who best will represent the needs of state, county, and municipal government employees across Maryland. You can view AFSCME Maryland’s list of candidate endorsements where you live by clicking here or going to!
At the AFSCME Election Center, you can:
- put in your home address and find out who your union has endorsed for federal, state and local offices where you live
- review the deadlines for registering to vote and early voting
- make your plan to vote!
Click here to view the full list of AFSCME Maryland endorsed candidates.
This year's elections are more important than ever and have the chance to determine the conditions at the bargaining table for all of us over the next several years. We must come together and be active and informed voters, getting all of our family, friends, and coworkers out at the ballot box to fight for a better Maryland for all of us!
Are you interested in volunteering to turn out your fellow AFSCME Maryland members to vote in the election? AFSCME members will be door-knocking and phonebanking throughout the coming weeks. These races are crucial for public employees and the services we provide. We need your help to turn members out for the July 19th primary! To learn more, email Lance Kilpatrick at for information and opportunities on how YOU can make a difference!
In Solidarity,
President Patrick Moran