This Labor Day, forming and joining a union should be a freedom every working Marylander can enjoy

Every day, thousands of Marylanders show up to our offices, worksites, facilities and buildings ready to do our jobs and serve our communities.
Many of us do the vital and essential work to provide Marylanders across the state with quality public services that ensure our communities are safe and healthy places for ourselves and our loved ones to live fulfilling lives. Even with a global pandemic, we came to work, putting our lives on the line to take care of our fellow residents.
But in the past few decades, it’s become much harder to take home a paycheck that pays the bills, to feel safe at work, and to feel valued for the expertise and experience we bring to our jobs.
We’re seeing the wealthy few and large corporations make decisions that not only chip away at our livelihoods but also steal our ability to join together with our coworkers to build workplaces that work for all of us — not just the powerful few.
We see time and time again how these powerful few seek to stop us from trying to organize for better workplaces.