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September 2023 Message from AFSCME Maryland Council 3 President Patrick Moran

AFSCME Maryland Council 3
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"On Friday, September 22, over 50 local presidents came together from across Maryland for our first ever biannual presidents’ meeting as a united AFSCME Maryland. During our meeting, I had a great time sharing ideas and goals, learning how we can work together, and discussing what resources are needed from our Council to help all of you build power in workplaces across Maryland.

It's clear from this meeting that we have a solid foundation that we are working with, and we will continue to work together to build the strongest union for public service workers in Maryland. We are already starting to see the results in our organizing and negotiations as a result of the strength and power of our united AFSCME Maryland. We only have one direction to go, and I’m hopeful to move our union FORWARD with all of you."

- AFSCME Maryland Council 3 President Patrick Moran