Update About Cuts to Maryland's FY21 Budget

Update About Cuts to Maryland's FY21 Budget
The State of Maryland is currently facing a more than $1 Billion dollar deficit because Maryland is projecting to collect far less taxes due to the COVID19 pandemic. This is a result of everything shutting down here and all over the world. The Governor wants to bargain in order to close the budget deficit by cutting state employees pay and benefits before the new fiscal year start on July 1st. DBM has continued to attempt to enforce arbitrary timelines and refuse to release members of our bargaining team to participate in these sessions. However, there is no law that says we have to bargain now and our current contract is in effect through the end of 2020. There is no legal past practice or written law requiring we negotiate any kind of agreement before July 1st.
Maryland, like every other state in the country is facing significantly lower than expected revenues due to the pandemic, but the picture is very unclear. Congress has legislation pending that would give the state trillions of dollars (currently Maryland would be in-line for $10 Billion), the state is still calculating how much revenue and fees were collected in FY20 and won’t know more concrete figures until late summer/early fall.
The state does not have to make drastic cuts, it could and should take a wait and see approach. DBM is refusing to bargain fairly, creating arbitrary bargaining schedule, and threatening to “unilaterally implement cuts”. They could attempt this, but it would then have to the pass the three member Board of Public Works, made up of the Governor/Lt. Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer.
Members can fight back in a lot of different ways. Take action NOW:
-Call and email members of the Board of Public Works to fund the front lines and not cut critical workers: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/calling-on-the-board-of-public-works-fund-the-frontline
-Call Comptroller Peter Franchot TODAY and urge him to vote NO on any cuts proposed at the next meeting. Call today: (410) 260-7801
-SAVE THE DATE: The next Board of Public Works meeting is July 1st. We are holding a caravan on June 30th to fight back against cuts. RSVP here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/worst-boss-ever-award-show-caravan-fight-back-against-unfair-cuts
-Speak truth to power and share with our neighbors and important stakeholders about the realities of waste and dangerous working conditions in state facilities and institutions.